Have Fun & Stay Safe This Summer

Happy 4th of July! Between the fireworks, the barbecues, the swimming pools and the road trips, summer weekends are full of fun and relaxation. But while it can feel like the party never ends, all that fun can turn tragic in an instant.

Sadly, summer accidents are common. Firecrackers explode prematurely. Faulty grills tip over, or catch on fire. Unfenced pools are hazards for young children and anyone who can’t swim—including Uncle Sal after a few too many! And we’re all familiar with the dangers of the road, especially after a long day.

How can you find the right balance between fun and safety? Here are a few tips:

– Use common sense. Don’t set up the grill, deep fryer or smoker right next to the kid’s table. Don’t plan a beer bash where everyone has to drive home right after. We’re all responsible adults in the rest of our lives—don’t revert to adolescence just because you’re wearing shorts and sunglasses!

– Be aware. Check out your surroundings and let your family and friends know if you see any potential danger zones, like hot surfaces or unguarded pools. Then just take normal precautions (see “Use common sense” above). Simply noticing what’s happening around you will go along way in keeping you safe.

– Keep control. Especially if you are caring for children (yours or anyone else’s!), this is not the time to get sloppy. Alcohol and drugs can severely impair your judgement, your reaction time, and your ability to respond should an emergency arise. It’s great to have fun, but pace yourself, and know your limits.

– Stay hydrated. During the hottest days, heat stroke is a real issue. Find shade or a place with air conditioning, and drink lots and lots of water.

– Know what to do in case of emergency. Hopefully we all know to call 911. Double check the location of your nearest emergency room (and make sure they take your insurance). And always be sure to give the team at Avanzino & Moreno a call at (718) 802-1616 as soon as you can after an incident. Their expert staff will help you determine your legal rights and help you seek compensation and justice.

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