Keeping Winter Sports Safe

Everyone loves a good sledding run, and skiing, snowboarding and ice skating are classic winter activities for a reason—they are tons of fun. Modern equipment has continued to make these sports safer, but the headlines remind us that saf-er isn’t always safe.

We encourage you to zip down the hill as fast as you can, but in the unfortunate event that you have a serious fall or injury, we want you to know your rights. For example, if your accident was caused by one of these or other issues, you may be able to receive compensation for your injuries:

– If someone crashed into you, were they being reckless—skiing too fast, skating backwards, jumping off too soon?

– Did the operator of the location create dangerous conditions (or allow them to continue after becoming aware of them), such as obstacles on a snowboard run, or a bottleneck on a high-speed trail?

– Was there an equipment malfunction? Broken blades, bindings that don’t release, poor steering mechanisms can all contribute to serious injuries.

To learn more, call the Avanzino & Moreno team at (718) 802-1616. We love having winter fun too, and we’ll handle your case and help you evaluate your options without judgement. With our many years of experience and success in accident cases, we will fight for you to receive just compensation for your injuries. For now, think up a good story for the ride up the mountain, and wear your helmet!