New Year’s Resolution: Never Stop Fighting

The New Year celebrations of 2020 are fading into memory as we fall into the patterns of our busy lives—work, friends, kids, travel and more. But after some big wins on behalf of our clients last year, the team at Avanzino & Moreno are more determined than ever to keep on fighting for those who are living in pain and struggling for justice.

In the aftermath of a serious accident, it may feel easier to take the path of least conflict. Accept what you’re offered. Sign where you’re told. But we know that what feels easy at the time can have consequences that last a lifetime.

So our resolution is to Never Stop Fighting. We will do everything we can to help accident victims receive justice and compensation that meets their needs, today and tomorrow.

What can you do? First, stay safe! It’s a crazy world out there. But also, be prepared. Review or create an emergency evacuation plan for your home, so every family member knows how to get out fast. Go over your family “stranger danger” rules with children. And take a moment today to think about what you would do in the case of a sudden, serious accident. We hope you’ll consider jotting down our number (718-802-1616) and putting it in your wallet. We think you’ll rest easier knowing you have the entire team at Avanzino & Moreno on your side.

All the best for a safe and healthy 2020.

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Avanzino & Moreno, LLC, offers this information solely for your entertainment. It is not legal advice and should not be considered as such. This information does not confer any promise or guarantee of outcome, monetary damages, legal services or success in any particular case.