Parks, Pools, Playgrounds

Summertime means heading outside. And whether it’s a walk in a park, a dip in the local pool or a spin in the merry-go-round, it’s reasonable to expect that the grounds and facilities are safe and properly maintained. Of course, you have to take responsibility for being aware of your surroundings, and keeping children away from dangerous situations. But the owner of the facility has a responsibility as well: to maintain the property to a certain safe standard.

Helping you sort out the difference between common sense responsibility and legally accountable premises liability is our job. The expert team at Avanzino & Moreno is pleased to offer a free consultation when you call us at (718) 802-1616, and it can be invaluable as you consider your options after a serious incident.

In the unfortunate event you or a family member are injured at a park, pool or playground, there are a few key things to remember. Use your smart phone to take pictures of the entire area surrounding the incident. Once your loved one is seen to by emergency personnel, grab a notebook or even send yourself an email where you write down any details you can remember about the accident and the minutes leading up to it. Don’t trust your memory weeks later…use the tools you have to create a record of the event.

Then call us. We can help you assess the situation. And we have a proven track record of fighting for our clients in premises liability, slip and fall, dog bite and dog attack incidents. Our successes help New Yorkers get their lives back, and help ensure justice is done. Best of all, when we work together to hold our shared public areas to the highest safety standards, we are all contributing to making our public amenities places of safety, joy and community for all to enjoy.

Have a very happy and safe summer…we’ll see you by at the pool!

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Avanzino & Moreno, LLC, offers this information solely for your entertainment. It is not legal advice and should not be considered as such. This information does not confer any promise or guarantee of outcome, monetary damages, legal services or success in any particular case.